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Monitoring your operations

As more and more Recycling Laws and Regulations take effect, how will you monitor your operations to avoid costly fees and penalties associated with non-compliance? Whether you are tracking one location here in the U.S. or thousands around the world, you can reduce...


ANAEROBIC INDIGESTION The County of Maui is now poised to make a comprehensive and long lasting change in the way we handle our solid waste resources.  These resources, which include green waste from Maui homes, businesses, resorts and hotels;  sewage sludge from our...


Please plan to join us on October 22nd, 2013, at the  Science Building Auditorium on the campus of the University of Hawaii Maui College Campus for an important presentation.  This “Anaerobic Discussion” will include presentations from Arun Sharma, President of...


Maui Recycling Group has been managing the Aloha Shares Network, (ASN)  for nearly two decades.  The ASN mission is to keep good, usable material out of Maui’s landfill and get this material into the hands of our nonprofits, churches, schools, and the Maui community...

It’s the Art of Trash fashion show!

There are lots of ways to reuse tons of things that might go in the trash, check out Joy Webster’s and others fashionista stylings in Maui’s Art of Trash “Trashion Show” last April!  Joy is a founding member of Maui Recycling Group, thanks Joy...

Surfrider Foundation/+H2O Earth Day Cleanup

Surfrider Foundation/+H2O Earth Day Cleanup By Madeline Ziecker The Kahului Harbor Earth Day Weekend Clean-up team. Photo by Jimmie Hepp. While north shore surf remained uninspiring, ocean enthusiasts headed to Kahului Harbor on Saturday, April 21 to participate in a...

Maui Trashion

  Art of Trash on April 20. Robin Webster and I designed four of the outfits in the trashion show — and will be modeling two of them — so we hope you show up to gasp in awe at our creativity.  Also, it you want to enter a piece in the Art of Trash juried show,...